Sunday, May 31, 2015

{8 Months}

Life flies by in seconds... Sometimes when I go to my boy's room to get him up from his nap I swear he has grown bigger since I laid him down.  On the topic of motherhood, a speaker I recently heard at a conference for women said, "The days will feel long, but the weeks fly by."  So far that seems to be an accurate description of what having a baby has been like.  

Without further ado, here is little man at 8 months - 

Enjoying the warm weather on our back patio! 

Not enjoying the confinement of the bumbo...

This face melts my heart.. Seriously it tugs my heartstrings when he is sad.  

Mischievous as per usual. 

Calvin LOVES LOVES LOVES to be outside and go on walks!

Calvin is quite mobile even though he can't really crawl properly - he does this inch worm type move or rolls to get where he wants to go.  He says 'dadada' when he is happy.. but when he is upset he remembers how to say "MAMAMA" and it melts my heart.  

He loves all his baby food so far and does a happy dance whenever he sees me getting it out of the cupboard.  

His dad changes him and feeds him in the morning, then puts him back in his crib where he just plays and patiently waits for Mom to come get him.  He is so patient and mellow. 

He loves to eat paper things, which can be scary because I swear he finds papers faster than I can keep up with him!  I have pulled clumps of paper out of his mouth which he has found and devoured.  Who knows how much he has really eaten... Yikes! 

He loves to sit on my lap and play the piano.  He also loves when his Daddy makes drumming noises - it entrances him.  He is such a fun little pal to stay with all day, I can't imagine life any other way.  
Happy 8 months little man! 

Thursday, May 7, 2015

{4 Years}

April marks a pretty special month for us...  On April 15th, Mike and I were married in Hawaii.  The following year on April 28th we were sealed for all eternity in the Bountiful temple.  The promises we made that day bring so much meaning into our marriage and it is so fun to remember what an occasion it was.  As President Monson said... "Choose your love, and love your choice."  That is wise counsel.  I am grateful everyday for the choice I made. 

For our anniversary celebration Mike took me to Serendipity 3 on the Strip.  They have legendary "frozen hot chocolate" and it did not disappoint! 

Mike was in heaven because I let him eat the whip cream off mine.  Not that it was a sacrifice because whip cream is freaking disgusting and to this day I don't understand why he loves it so much.  Insert funny story ... One time our friends left some whip cream after they brought dessert over, and Mike saw it as I was putting it away and said, "Finally, something in the fridge you won't eat!"  He didn't mean it to sound like it did... needless to say discussions were had about how he phrases these things.  Bless his heart.  

Such a fun & romantic little restaurant!  Highly recommend.  

We took Calvin along on our anniversary date, because he makes everything so much fun.

Sure do love this family of mine!

{Aunt Lisa's Visit}

We have been soooo lucky to have Aunt Lisa come visit us from Seattle several times since Cal has been born.  This past month she had a conference for work and was staying at Treasure Island.

We went to the buffet at Tresaure Island the first night she was here (with the Pinedos) and enjoyed a stroll around the pirate themed hotel. Cal enjoyed his pack, as per usual!

The next night we ate at a Brazilian steak house in the Mirage.  Calvin was sooo sick and threw up several times, it was so sad.  You can see it in his little eyes that he does not feel well in this photo.

I know this is a gross photo, but it documents what we were dealing with that night!  Poor little guy.  

We made a stop by Carlos' bakery (the famous "Cake Boss.")  We decided it was overrated and we much prefer the french macaroon shop that's not so famous right next door in the Venetian! 

We also took Calvin on his first gondola ride!  He was entranced with the gondolier's BEAUTIFUL voice... seriously, this guy sounded like Josh Groban.  He was the best & was such a fun personality.  

This was Cal watching him sing 

In true Italian fashion, Cal pinched Randolpho's cheeks.  Grandma Avery would be so proud to see little man getting in touch with his roots. 

It was such a fun visit!  I always seem to get out to explore more when Lisa comes in town.  Glad she makes the time for us!  : )