Friday, December 20, 2013

Graduation Surprise!

So it has been a little while since I have updated this blog - here comes the inevitable word vomit of all that has been happening over the past few months here in Utah!  

However, this post is dedicated to a day that was very dear to my heart.  

So, work and the semester of school finally ended (I was working a temporary job until Dec 7th).  It was such a welcome relief to go on a much needed get-away to Disneyland with my nieces and nephews!  It has been an incredibly challenging past few months with Mike being away, 16 credit hours at Weber and a full time job.  

So while the rest of my family was driving home from California, I took a flight so I could make it in time to walk for my graduation from Weber State.  I have been anticipating this day for quite a while, and to be honest I was a little bummed that Mike wouldn't be able to make it.  

However, he was there to surprise me at the airport that morning and take me to graduation!  Imagine my shock as I stumbled off the escalator (still half asleep - not my finest moment) and saw him there to greet me. 

I dropped all my bags and had the best hug EVER!  I haven't seen my handsome man since the end of July, so it was a pretty great reunion! 

Then we made it to graduation, which was a little too long for all... But it felt amazing to finally reach that goal!

Thanks to this handsome man for supporting me in all my dreams and aspirations.  I am so lucky to have him in my life!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

{What does happiness look like?}

What does happiness look like?  I have been reading a book lately that posed that question, and I realized, I'd never envisioned what happiness looks like to me. 

It's something we all want, yet seldom can anyone put into words what happiness looks like to them.

 For me, one of the things that holds me back from being able to find what happiness looks like to me is guilt.  I feel guilty all the time.  Sometimes for things that are truly ridiculous to feel guilty for. Being hard on myself is something that really holds me back from true happiness.  Guilt is good when it is helping you to be better, to transform yourself into something more, to repent or to change.  BUT I also believe it is a tool of the adversary to keep us from realizing our true potential as sons and daughters of God.  And with that constant crushing feeling, it is impossible to find out what true happiness looks like to us.  

So, my first step is letting go of that terribly discouraging feeling of guilt and determining what happiness means.

True happiness to me is being content and happy with who I am.  It is finding that contentment in my faith and in my family.  It is being a successful wife and someday mother.  It is maintaining close relationships with my family, and ensuring that my friends and family know they can rely on me.  It is traveling the world, learning about other cultures so that I have the enhanced capacity to be grateful for all that I have.  It is being educated and confident in my field.  It is balancing everything in my life that I am passionate about - family, friends, learning, music, and service to others.  Happiness gives me faith in a better world.  Because I am happy, I can inspire others to live up to their divine potential.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

{an update}

The seasons are finally changing.  I love the crisp air that hits my face when I walk out the door in the morning.  The leaves are turning colors.  People are starting to wear scarves.  It's that awkward time where I need the heater in the morning and the air conditioner during the day.  Hot chocolate is now apropos.  And Saturdays are FULL of college ball. It's been a few years since I have been able to experience a Utah fall and I am absolutely LOVING it.  

But before I get too excited, let me give a brief recap of the end of summer!

Lisa came down from Seattle for a week visit the second week in August.  This meant that most of the family was here (besides Mike) and we had SO much fun together.  One of the highlights of her trip was taking all the nieces and nephews to Lagoon together...

Lisa and Carter loved "The Bat"

This was Molly's face the entire time, but as soon as we got off she immediately asked to go again!

Quincy and I riding the Rock-O-Planes

Getting wet on the Rapids!

Tidal Wave!

Molly also loved this ride as well!  I have to say she was the most expressive on all the rides!

It has been at least 5 years or so since I went to Lagoon, so it was SO fun to go with all the family, especially the kids!

Another beautiful part of the summer time in Utah is the camping.  This made me particularly miss Mike, as some of our finest evenings were spent in Farmington Canyon watching the sunset.  But, as always, I am SO grateful for good friends in my life!

Sims and his sweet boy Pax.

Emilie and Landon

Shooting guns in the foothills of Bountiful... Landon had an idea to use shells for ear protection since I didn't have any.  Redneck ingenuity at it's finest.

Best friends!

The next weekend was a family camping trip up at Mirror Lake in the Uintas.  I had never been to this area before, and it was absolutely amazing!  We enjoyed some delicious camping cuisine and scared the kids with bear stories.

Poor little Isaac did not like his bath...

But Marie made him feel better all snuggled in his little towel!

Cute brothers

The whole camping crew

Our campsite was right on this lake - Amazing!

More cute brothers

All the cousins

This was the view from the back of the car when I woke up.  I just loved it and felt so peaceful.

Because my nephews have football practice in the evenings and I work during the day, I don't get to see them enough!  So one Saturday we decided to go to Boondocks as a farewell to the summer.

Quincy was really mad during this game because his car was not working..

In typical fashion, I hit the jackpot.  What can I say, I'm a lucky gal!

Prepared to dominate in some laser tag!

Riding the go cart while my nephew drove.. scariest thing of my life.

Emilie and I decided to hit up Waterfall Canyon one evening.  It was gorgeous and we pushed through the difficult hike, proving to ourselves that we can do hard things!

Taking a picture break!

Yeah.. This was the waterfall this year... can you see it?? Me either.

This is one of my favorite places on earth.  It has been the hike of my childhood and I absolutely love it. 

Okay guys.  I don't know if I can find words to adequately describe how much I love college ball.  And my favorite team is the BYU Cougars... forever ever!

So a while ago I was randomly chatting with my hubby about the fact that I would be in Utah for football season, and I pulled up the schedule and we chatted about what game it would be the funnest to go to... I decided Texas would be the best home game to see, and let me tell you what... I was right.

Most amazing game of my life.  I got tickets for my Dad and I and neither of us could talk the next day we were so hoarse from screaming.  Despite weather delays, it turned out to be the game of a lifetime.

Lavell Edwards Stadium... Another of my favorite places on earth.

At halftime they brought this out.. it says "We are BYU and this is OUR HOUSE!"  PUMPED!!

Leaving the stadium feeling the adrenaline rush of a lifetime.

My pops and I prior to the game starting in our sweet Y ponchos. 

So the only game I want to talk about is that Texas game, in case you were wondering.  Please don't bring up Utah or Virginia. Thank you in advance.

Well, that about brings this blog up to speed on my wonderfully boring life!  I am spending my days working now for a company that enrolls people in Medicare.  I got my health insurance license last week, that was a challenge but I am grateful I did it! I am also working on completing this semester of school so ... drumroll please... I can GRADUATE THIS DECEMBER!  Cue the hallelujah chorus!!

My handsome man manages to keep himself busy bringing home the bacon.  He is on the isles of Papua New Guinea having some neat experiences and working hard!  I love him so much and I am grateful for work ethic he has.  Yep, I married a pretty amazing (not to mention good looking) man!

I will try to post a little more regularly the updates on what is happening.  Life is good!

Saturday, August 17, 2013

"But Dad, did you see my tackle?"

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am an avid college football fan.  

 I love that sense of connection with humanity in cheering for a team. 

I love the feeling of watching athletes play their hardest and realize their dreams. 

And when the team I cheer for wins, I just love it.  

But winning isn't everything.  It really isn't.  And today I made a vow to myself to never lose focus on the game and what's really important. 

I went to my nephews little league football game, and let me tell you these things are legit.  Coaches yelling, concession stands, huge crowds, even a halftime show by little league cheerleaders (yes, 10 year old little cheerleaders.  Adorable).

Well, the Titans were losing... and it was bad.  But many of the little spirits on the sidelines remained hopeful and were antsy with anticipation of possibly getting to play. 

One of the boys saw his Dad coming to the sidelines and ran over to him.  I couldn't hear what was being said but I could see the Dad's face was tight with anger as he was "coaching" his son about some mistakes that had been made.  

"But Dad, did you see my tackle?" 

The Dad just shook his head and walked away.  As he turned his back, I saw the boys face fall.  The smile was gone, the spark in his eyes went out as he hung his head and walked back to the bench.

My heart ached for that boy.  What if that moment in his little league game he lost his dream?  

I was filled with gratitude... both for an earthly and Heavenly Father who never miss my "tackles" in life.  Who never chastise me from the sidelines... rather, they cheer me on and inspire me.  

May we all remember that both teams are playing to win in this life, and show a little more love encouragement towards one another. 

Grandpa supporting Collin and the Terrace Titans!  We love you bud! 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

{In Loving Memory}

This past month has brought a whirlwind of change that has landed me back in Utah for the next four months!  

On August 2, my sweet grandmother passed away at the age of 91.  I am so happy for her - to think about all the reunions she is having on the other side with her family and my Grandpa. 

This photo was taken the last time I was able together with Grandma.  I think it is so sweet and such a great reminder of how much she was loved by everyone - both big and little! 

The services were beautiful.  Dad & Aunt Ginger spoke and both told great stories about Grandma and her love for the gospel.  I love that she was a nurse for her whole life and worked while raising her family.  What a great example.  

Another favorite memory of Grandma was Christmas 2010.  This was the year Mike and I were dating, and it was our first Christmas being together.  My Grandma crocheted this bright pink beanie for Mike -and he wore it proudly all morning!  He still has it in fact, and we laugh about it often.

This is a huge part of our family.  Missing Mike, Lisa, and little Isaac and Carter.  It was wonderful to get together with as many as could make it and reminisce about Grandma.

This is my Dad's family!  From Montana, New Mexico, Idaho, Mona & Roy, Utah.  Many travelled very far, and this is the first time I can remember seeing all the aunts and uncles together on the Perkins side.  Bill, Bob, Vic, Mike, Judy & Ginger.

The girls in the family sang "Nearer My God To Thee" as one of the musical numbers, and the 3rd verse I just love...

There let the way appear
Steps unto Heaven 
All that thou sendest me 
In mercy given.
Angels to beckon me, 
Nearer my God to thee.
Nearer my God to thee, 
Nearer to thee. 

We love you Grandma Avery! 

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Several years ago, a friend posed some questions to me about my faith which at that time I was unable to answer.  I studied and searched for answers.  I prayed and pleaded with the Lord to help me find the right words to say - ultimately to no avail.  

Then my friend said these words, which have been in the back of mind ever since the experience - 

"You should not be afraid to ask questions about your religion, you should only fear not finding answers."

Those words were Satan's way in to shake my testimony.  It took some time and painful experiences that could have been avoided to return back to the path.

Still, every now and then I think back on that and how perturbed I was to not receive answers to some of my questions.  It is just one of the 'whys' in my life I had reconciled myself to not fully understanding.  

Today I was reading a masterpiece by Elder Maxwell - "Willing to Submit" and read these beautiful words - 

"Submissiveness also checks our tendency to demand advance explanations of the Lord as a perplexed yet trusting Nephi understood: "I know that God loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.

So did a wondering but submissive Mary: "And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word."

Just as the capacity to defer gratification is a sign of real maturity, likewise the willingness to wait for deferred explanation is a sign of real faith and of trust spread over time."

The gospel is simple really - once we put our trust in Christ, who sees endless possibilities that we do not.  He knows the end from the beginning.  I am so grateful to be in His loving hands. 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

{Girl on Fire}

It's probably high time I give a little synopsis of the wonderful week I got to spend with my Moanalua ward girls at Girl's Camp!

I don't think I can adequately put into words my experience as a youth with girls camp.  A common doctrine of our church is that a testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel is built "line upon line, precept by precept."  The experiences that we have in this life as we exercise our faith is what gives us a testimony.  If someone asked me when I was converted to the church, or the moment I knew it was all true, I would say, "I couldn't tell you an exact moment.  But my first year at girls camp testimony meeting I knew it was something that I wanted in my life forever."

This year our theme was "Girl on Fire" - a kind of spin off of Hunger Games.  Each day as the girls got together to work on camp certification, or personal progress, or just go to the beach to hang out - I could feel the Spirit strongly and was so inspired by the youth of today.  

I also got to know/work with some women who are definitely the cream of the crop!  I love all these ladies very much - nothing brings people together more than the spirit (also camping). 

Here are two of our sweet girls cooking us a delicious meal!  

Heading out on our nature walk to pass off some wilderness survival skills for the girls.

Look at all those awesome ladies!

One of our youth actually turned 12 at camp, so we had some birthday festivities for her.  Her family brought up cake and ice cream and we had a dance party!  Also, her Dad played Samoan folk songs for us on the ukelele, loved every single minute!

Everyday we got to spend a few hours at the beach playing in the water.  Despite a few jellyfish stings, all went well.

The leaders put on a skit based off the hunger games - "The Capital knows best"  We had a little song written by Rachel, and wore outrageous costume jewelry.   It was quite the production. 

Rachel and Bryce up to no good here... we took oreos and replaced the frosting with toothpaste, to feed to the youth that evening.  It was a success.  Reactions started out as "mmm the minty kind!"  and then morphed into horrified gagging and screaming as they realized what they were eating.  muhahah!

Meet our friend, the lobster!  In response to a prank pulled on us leaders, we invited a little friend to camp to visit the tent of one of the perps.  It was wonderful!

My in-laws were heading to serve their mission in Apia, Samoa and got to spend a day in Honolulu.  It coincided with girls camp, so they were able to come up to Bellows and spend some time.  The girls all loved them (but who wouldn't??) and I was really grateful for the chance to see them before they left to go serve the Lord on their mission!

Campfire/talent show/skit/smores was a nightly tradition at camp!

Anais and I always took out the trash (okay not always, but a lot).  We became buddies!

Getting ready for some swim time!

A beautiful view of the area around where we were staying.

One day, when Rachel & I went to go shower, the girls snuck into our tent and hid our stuff.  They replaced it all with barbie clothes, and put up signs that said, "You have been barbied!"  It was quite the prank.. needless to say, I was very proud of them!

It was a great year and I feel so blessed to have been able to spend time at camp with these wonderful people!