Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

This Memorial Day weekend has been so great!!  Mike has really enjoyed his four day weekend, and I can't say I haven't enjoyed it as well!  It has been wonderful to just have some time to relax with each other and see friends.

We kicked off our weekend on Friday by going to the Byodo-In Temple in Kaneohe.  The temple was built in 1968 in honor of the Japanese immigrants who arrived in Hawaii 100 years earlier.  It is designed to closely represent one of the more famous Buddhist Japanese temples that was built over 900 years ago!!  It was one of my favorite things we have seen so far on the island.

Apparently, the television series "Lost" also had several episodes that were filmed here.  

I love how often our pictures have Mike's long arm in the corner... :)

They have a bell there that can be struck by a soft piece of wood... It's supposed to fill the area with peace and tranquility so your mind can be clear to think.

The grounds there were beautifully kept!! There were trees and plants with pathways going all around the temple. 

The rock gardens were raked, so obviously people weren't allowed to walk on them.  They looked awesome.  

Inside the temple was the Buddha.  They have you take off your shoes out of respect, and the inside smells like incense.

And of course there were Bamboo Trees.. so Mike did his traditional Bamboo Tree Warrior Pose.  Although I have to admit this one is my favorite, due to the fact that it looks like a bamboo poking him in the butt.  

We had a lot of fun just wandering around the grounds, and Mike knows a lot about Japanese culture so it's always fun to do stuff like this with him!! 

Later that day we went into town for something called "Street Grindz."  Basically, all the street vendors who sell food park their trucks in a parking lot together and you can walk around and try delicious local food.  It was a lot of fun.. we got a rancherito enchilada and some ahi poke.  

We met up with some friends from the Makiki Ward, Rachelle and TJ...  They came over to play some games after, we had a lot of fun with them!

Mike and TJ playing football on the kinect 

Rachelle and I doing the downhill skiing competition. 

Saturday we had friends over for a movie night... we have had a thing with Avengers lately and we want to watch each of the characters movies... We watched Hulk a few days ago, and Thor with our friends!  

Just enjoying the view and the company!! 

Sunday was also great.  We are really enjoying the Moanalua Ward!  I sat next to a sweet girl named Meg in Relief Society whose husband is training to be a pilot for a really prestigious company... I think it was a commercial airline or something.  But the testing sounds SO HARD and if he passes it there are so many loops to jump through I couldn't believe it!  And they are just here on faith that he will pass it... if not they have no idea where they will go, and if he does then they move to Hong Kong.  CRAZY.  I would be freaking out if my life hung in the balances like that and we just didn't know what we are doing!  Luckily, I don't think the Lord puts you in situations that you aren't capable of handling.  She is awesome. 

Today we we went to Waimea Bay!!  It is SO GORGEOUS there.  I'll have to admit that I wasn't feeling so well this morning, but I was really glad we went and spent the day with some great friends! 

From Left to Right... Isabel, Caeser, Brett, Heidi, Hottest Man Alive, Me... ;)

Enjoying the water! 

How can you look at that face and just not absolutely love it??? 

Playing cards on the beach.  We were playing Uno, but it was SO windy and some of the cards blew into the ocean!  Luckily Heidi saved them!! 

We went to Hickam to stand up paddle board after we left Waimea, but they said it was "too windy"  It was SO not too windy to paddleboard, but oh well, what can ya do?  

We decided to go to a program they were doing down at the Ala Moana Beach Park, right by where we used to live!  They say there were 40,000 people there, although I have a hard time imagining it was that many... Anyway, they do a floating lantern ceremony in honor of all of the deceased.  Mike and I made a lantern for our Grandparents who have passed on and it got sent out in the water.  It was really touching. 

Ours is on the very bottom.  It felt good to do, since of course we can't go visit any graves today living so far away! 

Happy Memorial Day!!

Friday, May 18, 2012

A little bit of life lately...

I was just flipping through some of the photos on my phone and realized how much I have to be thankful for!! Life is good.

Mike is working hard as always.  We are loving our new apartment in Salt Lake.   It's PERFECT.  Today I actually saw the END OF THE RAINBOW from our balcony!  It's so breezy all the time and just feels wonderful. 

School is in full swing!  I am in the summer semester cramming 15 credit hours into 8 short weeks.  It will be worth it though - or so I keep telling myself.  Classes on the slate for this semester - Bio Med Core 2, Quality and Improvement in Health Care Performance, International Healthcare, Medical Terminology, and Health Information Technology.  I am just itching to get my degree done!! But I love learning so I am trying to enjoy every step on the way.

Our new ward is fantastic!  We are in the Moanalua 1st.  It's great... already met a few really sweet ladies that I am excited to get to know better.  Tonight Brother & Sister Fogt (the military relations missionaries) came and visited with us.  They are so sweet.  It was fun getting to know them.. they have only been on their mission for 2 and a half weeks!  Nicest couple ever. 

On a complete sidenote, that has to fit in this blog entry somewhere... AVENGERS has officially made it into the "best movie I've ever seen" category.  It was SO great.  Mike and I enjoyed a dinner at Big City Diner and then that show... pretty much made my whole week!  Love date nights with my man. :)

Things I am counting down...

IOWA TRIP... this June we are going to Iowa so Mike can be a groomsmen in one of his good buddies weddings.  The infamous Sam Hauptley.  We have some great fun planned for this trip to the midwest!

MINNESOTA TRIP!!! Part of the Iowa trip.. we are going to swing by Minnesota and see Morgan and Alex while were all the way in the middle of freaking nowhere! 

Okay so really only those two things am I counting down for.  But still.  I'm excited!!! :D :D :D

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

4.28.2012 ... Forever

I really want to write this post before I forget so many of the little details of a truly great experience! 

Mike and I were sealed for time and all eternity this past Saturday in the Bountiful temple.  

President Callister, the Bountiful temple president, was our sealer. What an amazing man.  I will never forget the spirit that he brought into the room by how prepared he was and the sweet counsel he gave us. 

There were about 20 brides that day, but I only saw two or three during the whole time I was there.. it seemed like there was a rush in the morning and then it slowed down a little bit. The sweet little old temple workers were so kind to me and helped me get all ready in my temple clothes.

I don't know if I can use words to describe how awesome it was going into the sealing room and seeing all the family and close friends in there to support Mike & I.  I was touched.  Every person who was there added to the spirit of the occasion, in my opinion.

And then going out and seeing all my family and friends and taking pictures was just... super fun.  What a good time we had... here are some of the best - taken by my sweet mother in law!


Sweet Carter 

Dan & Krystal

The whole family!! :D 

Mom & I

More to come on all the fun details.  Let's just say for now it was easily the HAPPIEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!