Thursday, February 16, 2017

{Winter Recital, Welcoming home the Reynolds & more}

Time for another catch-all post - lots of "little" things have been happening around here that are keeping us busy in the Reynolds manor! 

The month of love brought a piano recital at the beginning of the month - my student's put on our "Winter Extravaganza" and I have to say I think it was my favorite recital yet!  I love seeing kids perform and overcome that fear that can almost be paralyzing - I have felt it myself when performing and with every chance to play in front of people you learn how to deal with the nerves just a little bit better.  As for me, they pre-performance jitters have never gone away and I am not entirely comfortable playing in front of people to this day.  So, kudos to these kids for recognizing their ability to do hard things!  Here are a few of the photos! 

So proud of all of these kids and what they are accomplishing by learning music!  

Mike and I were also able to go on a temple date night this month. It is hard to find the time to fit in these temple trips - but SO important.  I love getting some time in with this handsome guy.  

The Reynolds also returned from their mission to Big Island in Hawaii!  It has been fun to have them around & catch up on their mission stories.  Grandpa Jim was especially helpful in watching the kids while I taught lessons (Mike had to travel to Texas for work) and Calvin enjoyed his special Grandpa time everyday! 

The boys enjoyed getting reacquainted with Grandma and Grandpa Reynolds!

Lastly, I dyed my hair!  It was so fun to spend a day at the salon with a dear friend and get my hair done.  Grandparents were with the kiddos so it was a great getaway.  I think I am going to go back to my natural color, maybe a little lighter who knows?  

Well that's about all the news.. stay tuned for the riveting announcement on what I decide to do with my hair. hahahah ;) 

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