One of the amazing things about kids (particularly your own) is that the smallest things can make your heart feel like it's going to burst with love!
I felt that way as I sent Mike and Calvin off on their first father/son campout with the ward just a few weekends ago.
It's hard to process sometimes that I have a son who will (hopefully) enjoy doing these types of activities with his Dad and it's our responsibility to teach and nurture him. What an incredible and simultaneously overwhelming feeling!
Here's a photo of the duo at the outset of the trip. Since they were driving up in the truck we faced Cal's car seat forward and he felt pretty cool.
I know it's kind of silly that this little moment meant so much to me, but it felt a little bit like a milestone being reached!
Mike was great and captured some pictures of the camp out to tell me all about it later -
Apparently Calvin was super interested in playing with the bear trash can things. This is typical Calvin - he is curious about the strangest things. You could put him in a room full of toys and he will find his way to a hanger on the ground ... or he'll take one toy, turn it over and work on the batteries. He's a little weirdo but we love him!
Exploring the campsite
This is Cal and his friend Bradley from the ward. They look like shady little hoodlums up to no good in the car together. :)
This is a cool view of the campsite.
Mike said it was a little windy where they set up their tent, and so it kept collapsing on them. This was freaking Cal out and he wouldn't go to sleep so they decided to call it a night and drove back home around 11 or so.
Mike said as they were around the campfire talking there was a lull in the conversation during which Calvin loudly farted, paused, and then burst out laughing (I can neither confirm nor deny this happening in our house)...
Boys. They drive you to the brink of insanity and then bring you back with a well timed fart.
Can't wait to see the boys go on more father son campouts in the future!
What a joy to reminisce this event! We were in our first years of marriage in Belgium 1983 when Mike experienced his first camp out. It was terrific fun to find the photos to send on to you and share. 💕