Wednesday, July 1, 2015

{Finding Peace, Happiness, and Joy}

The past month I made it a goal to read this beautiful work by Elder Scott.  He is such an enlightened, gentle & loving man.  His tenderness and love for the gospel permeate through his words. He brought to light truths and principles I hadn't considered before, and the Spirit testified the truth of these doctrines to my heart as I read.

One of my favorite parts of the book is on the topic of finding more peace and joy in life.  He suggested, 

"One way to enjoy your life more fully is to try to express it creatively.  Find out for yourself that you don't have to be an expert to enjoy the fruits of your own creativity.  {It} can engender a spirit of gratitude for life and for what the Lord has woven into your being."

One of the main ways I express myself creatively is through music, specifically piano.  I have found this statement to be true - my life is so enriched by being able to sit down at the piano and get lost in the world of music.  It also brings a great deal of joy to be able to teach kids the beauty of music and the happiness it can bring into life.

On the topic of motherhood and womanhood, Elder Scott shares a beautiful perspective from a priesthood holder which brought tears to my eyes when I read it.  He said, 

"I humbly thank our Father in Heaven for His daughters, you who were willing to come to earth to live under uncertain circumstances.  Most men could not handle the uncertainties you are asked to live with.  Social customs require that you wait to be asked for marriage.  You are expected to go with your husband wherever his employment of a calling will take him.  Your environment and neighborhood are determined by his ability to provide, meager or not.  You place your life in the Lord's hands each time you bear a child.  A man makes no such sacrifice.  The blessing of nurturing children and caring for a husband is often intermingled with many routine tasks.  You do all these things willingly because you are a woman, a daughter of our Father in Heaven.  Generally you have no idea of how truly wonderful and capable you are, how very much appreciated and loved, or how desperately needed, for most men don't tell you as completely and as often as needed."

What a beautiful sentiment on the responsibility of womanhood.  Being a wife and mother are tremendous responsibilities, and reading his words made me realize the potential I have to be a powerful force for good, even if it's just within my own home.  

My favorite principle from this book was this, 

"True enduring happiness, with the accompanying strength, courage, and capacity to overcome the most challenging difficulties, comes from a life centered in Jesus Christ. Obedience to His teachings provides a sure foundation upon which to build.  That takes effort."

I am so glad I read this book and was reminded of the biggest source of peace & happiness in my life - the gospel.  I am grateful to Elder Scott for so beautifully expressing the deepest thoughts of his heart in such a beautiful book. 

1 comment:

  1. Elder Scott was one of my top one or two Apostles and I always looked forward to hearing his General Conference talks and hear his wisdom. I have not read any of his books but this one seems like it would be a good place to start. We lost a great man when he passed but I enjoy going back and reading his past Conference talks. His whole countinance exuded peace. Thanks for sharing his insight on Womanhood.
    Papa Jim
