Monday, February 18, 2013

tender mercies

Yesterday I had a pretty crazy experience ... 

I had taken some youth up to Laie for a KEY conference thing, and just spent an hour sitting in an incredible devotional with them.  I love being around the youth and spending time with them always makes me feel uplifted - we have some super strong youth in our ward. 

Anyway, I was driving home on Kam highway (the one lane part around all the curves) and when I looked behind me I saw a Prius weaving between lanes.  He sped up right on my bumper, so naturally I sped up to get away.  

He continued to catch up to me and I was watching him closely for a mile or so.  Finally, I just got the feeling to pull off to the side of the road and let him pass me.  

If you know me, I rarely stop to let people pass... I am usually the one passing people myself. 

As soon as I pulled over I heard a huge bang and saw the Prius go FLYING through the air, to land on it's roof upside down where my car had been only moments before.  

I started crying and said a prayer of gratitude that I was able to get out of the way in time.   

I am thankful for the tender mercies of the Lord - the promptings from the Spirit that show us that God is watching over us.  

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