Wednesday, February 6, 2013

5 Happy Things

1.  Saturday morning service...  This month our ward is in charge of chapel cleaning.  To be honest, prior to this ward I can count the times I have attended chapel cleaning Saturdays on less than one hand, if you know what I mean.  But, we have challenged the young women to do it, thus I have attended.  I had a rather enjoyable time with sweet Serena and Rachel cleaning the sacrament trays and other various parts of the chapel.  

2.  Shave Ice...  I cannot overemphasize the role that shave ice plays in my life at this time.  I realize this will not always be readily available to me, and therefore find it necessary to travel exorbitant miles to attain this sweet nectar of the Gods as often as possible.  You may think I am being melodramatic... if you are thinking that... you must not have had the pleasure of tasting this wonderful creation and you should start planning your trip to Hawaii right away.  

3.  Mike and I also stumbled across this gem in an art gallery on the north shore, and this made me particularly happy in my heart for some reason.  The painting is called "Obama the Great" and the artist has tried to present this to Obama when the President was here vacationing.  Unfortunately, Secret Service would not allow him to give this wonderful gift. Somebody really needs to let Obama know about this, because let's be honest... if somebody painted you as a bomb Hawaiian warrior you would totally want to know about it.  

4.  Trying out all the Mexican Restaurants we can find on this rock is also something that makes me really happy.  I think it's because it reminds me of Ogden.  Saturday we tried Cholo's.  Seriously.  Cholo's.  I love it.  

5.  Last but not least, our friends the Aubrey's.  We had the BEST golf date ever (really I don't like golf at all, but it was still fun because we managed to make our own rules because that's how we roll).  Pretty sure we have some great friends here on the island!

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