I went up with a sweet girl from my ward, Amanda. We had a lot of fun just chit chatting on the drive up to Laie! It's a pretty long drive (well, I guess my definition of "long" has changed since I live on an island...) but seemed to fly by!
When we got there we got all signed in and picked what sessions we were going to for the day. It felt like EFY all over again, so that made me pretty happy in my heart! (For those of you who haven't been to EFY, they break it up in sessions and you choose what speakers you go to).
Sister Julie Beck (former general Relief Society President) started out the session. She is such a phenomenal woman. My kind of celebrity for sure! She talked about how overwhelmed she felt when she received her calling, and how she felt inadequate. A lot of us might feel inadequate when we discover our purpose in life... but using the atonement, prioritizing, and managing our time carefully will help us to accomplish what we need to!! Afterwards Amanda and I got to talk with her for a minute and took some pictures!
Another super awesome favorite part of the conference was getting to meet Chad Lewis!! He was a legendary tight-end for BYU, and later went to play in the NFL for the Eagles. His session was easily my favorite. This is his signature move -
He liked to jump over people. He mentioned it was much easier in college football to do this than in the NFL - they hit a lot harder and were too fast then!
He served his mission in Taiwan and so when the NFL broadcast the superbowl in China for the first time, they asked him to be the broadcaster... He agreed, but then called the next day to cancel because he realized he knew absolutely no football terminology in Mandarin. They told him they didn't care and that he would do fine... so he did it, and he said it was like he was teaching the discussions to 1.3 billion people... "I testify that Tom Brady threw a true pass" and "I am grateful for that score" HA!
Anyway, his main message was that if we focus on the good things and the blessings we have in our lives, then they GROW. And it's by focusing on the good things that we find happiness. He was great, I was so happy to have the chance to meet him!
After sitting in the classes all day, I had a few impressions of things I should be doing better. Some of them are personal, but others are just some goals that I want to accomplish in the next year or so!! Here are a few of them, so I don't forget -
- Read "Daughter's of My Kingdom" the book for the sisters of the church!
- Listen to at least one conference talk a day
- Read a biography or a book written by every prophet! That is a goal that one of my dear friends Lynette set awhile ago (I have no idea how she's doing on that, I'll have to ask). Anyway, I admired her for doing it, but hadn't really thought much about it for a few years. So when it randomly popped into my head during a talk, I figured I would give it a shot too!
So there you have it! Women's Conference '12! I hope to make it a tradition to go every year!
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