Friday, June 1, 2012

May - Month in Numbers

My new goal.. re-cap my month in numbers every month!  Yay!

15 the number of pages that the Sonate I am working on memorizing is!  My sweet husband finally found a keyboard stand.. and set it all up!  I was saddened when I played and realized how much of my ability is gone.  But I am working hard to get it back... and you better believe I will!

8 - The number of tests I took for school!  Study... study... study... the story of my life!

1500 - The number of lanterns that were released at the Ala Moana Floating Lantern Ceremony on Memorial Day.

"When we respect one another with the spirit of aloha, accepting and embracing our differences, we can create a sense of harmony amid our diversity." -Shinso Ito

4 - The number of Twilight related books and or movies that I have watched this month.  I adore these books and movies.  Not particularly well made movies at all... it's just I am so entranced by the love storyline.  Sigh.


14 - The number of Saturdays until that first kick-off... Oh yeah, brother!

Well there you have it folks... My month in numbers.. Pretty good month, I'd say. :)

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