Wednesday, May 18, 2011

"If the military wanted you to have a spouse... they would have issued you one."

Sometimes, I think this quote is so true.  The military does not care about spouses!  ESPECIALLY when they schedule back-to-back missions in Laos.  I don't get to see my hubby until ... drumroll... July 26!'s.a.long.time.

So, I have decided to do a little update - with happenings from




I guess we need to back up a little.. let's start off with a little Hawaii.  Before I left, I hiked the beautiful Maunawili Falls.  So we hiked barefoot up this muddy mountain, and swam in this Lagoon, then jumped off a WATERFALL. :)

It's a must see for anyone who comes to visit.

It was a really fun escape and I love discovering beautiful places!  Although I have to admit my feet were KILLING me by the end of the hike.  I wouldn't recommend the barefoot thing.

Okay.  Moving on to ... Laos!  Mike seems to like it there and has gone out exploring almost every day.  I'll just include a few of the photos of what he is up to on his first tour of duty there!

The view behind the hotel
Mike's room

"On one of our walks we went a couple of miles south of town which is where I took the pictures of the shop/house built over the pond.."

"As we were heading back towards town a little dog walked by us, but we were talking and didn't notice that he has turned around and started following us.  He followed us all the way back to our compound so we gave him some water and I took the picture of him that I attached.  I guess we have a new friend."

"Today we decided to go exploring in a different direction to find a Buddhist temple..."

"As we approached the temple, two kids (pictured with me) approached us and started talking to us in broken but understandable English.  We found out they were both 16 and were there along with the rest of the townspeople to give offerings to the monks to celebrate the full moon.  We asked if we were allowed inside and they were more than happy to escort us in.  They took us toward the Buddha statue where there were about 10 monks of all different ages from 5 or 6 to 70 or 80 sitting."

"The boys sat us down and asked if we would like a blessing from the monk and we said sure so they asked for an offering ( I put in 10,000 Kip which is about $1.50) and the priest tied a little thread bracelet around both of our wrists and said a chant and then blew on it.  The kids told me I shouldn't cut it and that it would bring good luck and health.  (Unfortunately the monk didn't tie it well and it came undone 2 minutes later, so I spent the rest of the time trying to tighten a half-knot to keep it on my wrist until we left so they wouldn't think I took it off.  So much for my luck)"

 I guess life is an adventure no matter where you are!

Here are a few snapshots of what I've been doing in Utah during this same time period... :)

My sweet nephews were excited about their candy leis!

Visiting with my brother in law & future sister in law! :)

Eating out at Piccolo Brothers Pizza the night I got back!

Our Mother's Day Party!  Molly in her adorable Hawaiian dress.

The boys were SO excited to eat at Chuck-O-Rama!

Improv with some great friends!  Always a good time.  Not to mention late night Denny's... One of my FAVORITE things in the world!

My sweet mother in law sent me this bracelet and I am going to wear it for this first tour of duty.  I am so greatful to have such an insightful mother-in-law.  Only wish we lived a bit closer! :)

Life is good!  Even if the distance is hard, I am glad there are ways we can communicate with one another.  I couldn't be happier! :D

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl! Your blog is cuter every time I read it! I bet you are missing your hubby a ton! At least you get to hang with your family and friends in Utah. Now you are the weird married lady :) That hike looks so beautiful and it seems like you are having so much fun! Tell your family 'Hi' from me and we for sure need to do fondue!.. in Hawaii!
