Wednesday, March 21, 2018

{Grand Turk}

Grand Turk was a pretty limited place as far as excursions or adventures to do.  Grant and Marie had gone here last year and recommended just staying on the beach for this stop.  It was nice because you could get off the ship and just walk to an amazing beach (and if you were willing to walk down the shore a ways the crowds got thinner and thinner - fun fact - vast majority of people on cruises aren't willing to walk far!)

Here is a view of Grand Turk as we were docking.  The stretch or beach we went to is just beyond that long dock you can see in the picture.  It was a beautiful day - we soaked in all the sun our South Dakota winter bodies could handle!

This was the only stop all four of us got off the boat together for.  We decided that both the boys would love to play on the beach and it wouldn't be too crazy to get there!

Julie and I walked along the shore and found giant conch shells (like the amazing kind you have to pay 20 bucks for).  It was the BEST seashell hunting beach I have ever been on!  Grace was in heaven. She took all the shells home with her :)

Isaac with Aunt Julie on the hunt for shells (we had to use the bag to keep them in there were too many to carry!)

Calvin the master sand architect.  He loved digging and building sand castles!

This was an amazing shot of a shipwreck near where we were sea shell hunting.  

Heading back to the ship after a day of beach fun!

Adios, Grand Turk!  Thanks for the fun beach day!

1 comment:

  1. This was such a fun opportunity to have a family cruise, especially since the boys are getting old enough to remember these experiences. You all are such good travelers and this may encourage the boys to continue the traveling lifestyle as they get older. We firmly believe travel really broadens ones perception of the world. Good job, Mom and Dad, and Calvin and Wesley too.
    The Beach Loving Grands
