Hearing the news of the mass shooting in Las Vegas this past week wrenched at my heart. As I tried to process the tragedy that had happened, my thoughts continued to spiral downward in discouragement. It was on my mind all day - we live in a world where mass shootings are common place. Perhaps they are not as destructive as this one, but it has been just over a year since the deadliest mass shooting in modern American history happened at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida.
In quiet moments throughout the day I thought about the world my two sons will grow up in. My heart was heavy and I allowed myself to try to feel for a minute some of the pain that hundreds of people who were directly affected by the events of that night must be feeling.
However, as the day passed I started to notice so much goodness, love, and hope in the face of tragedy from people who were in attendance at the concert, first responders, and the good people of Las Vegas.
One of the first responders is a good friend of ours from the Acacia ward - he shared his perspective in these words
"In a time of tragedy, I am grateful to have seen so much good. I saw people who were shot give up their chairs to more critical patients and I saw people running to help. Everyone working, everyone giving, everyone more concerned with others than themselves. We worked at the trauma center for several hours last night after dropping off our patient."
One of my dear friends is a nurse who shared this photo

ed some family time after a rough 24 hours, but my heart is with you.
She subsequently opened her home to anyone who needed a place to stay in the aftermath of all the events - what an amazing person!
Some of our closest friends - the Vidrines - offered there airbnb for a family who lost someone that night. Sweet Emily was arranging for meals, housing and a go fund me account to help as a family lost their beloved daughter. This was the post she shared -
"I have had people ask about the family that we are helping out. This is Andrea Castilla, she was killed on Sunday night while enjoying a night with her sister. Her family will be staying in a vacation home that we manage Wednesday night through Saturday. Some have asked how they can help this family and a Gofund Me account is being set up and i will share it when its ready. The family is also asking for prayers as they struggle through the next few days as they try to make sense of what has happened"
Blood banks were so overwhelmed with people who wanted to donate that they had to turn people away.
A go fund me account that was set up to assist the families of these victims exceeded 2 million dollars within two days.
Our own Acacia ward family gathered together to donate supplies. They even had the kids join in service by writing thank you cards to the first responders who assisted at the scene.
When I saw all the people in Vegas coming together in such beautiful ways that feeling of anxiety went away. I wanted to link arms with my brothers and sisters in that beautiful patch of desert and help in the cause, in any small way that I could. I wish I could be there to hug you all for the examples of Christlike love and service that you are.
"Friends, especially my young friends, take heart. Pure Christlike love flowing from true righteousness can change the world." (Elder Holland)
I believe those words with all my heart. The actions of friends and good people in Vegas have changed my perspective & helped me see the beauty in the world - the beauty that is still there even in the midst of such an ugly and cowardly act.
When I heard the news on Monday morning, I checked in with a friend who I knew had attended the concert the night before. Thankfully she had made it home and escaped the chaos with the other two girls she was with. Here are some of the thoughts she had shared -
"The past couple of days have been highest of highs and the scariest thing to ever experience. Yesterday I was numb. I was processing. Today I am better. I feel so extremely lucky. I left with bruises and scratches but most importantly I left with my friends. I was able to leave and that is something I am so thankful for. I am proud of myself for the decisions I made and happy that Breanne Hale and Amber Buttars followed my lead. We are lucky! I truly love you girls! Thank you to everyone who reached out to me and checked in with me. I have never felt more love then the past couple of days! My thoughts are with everyone involved!
I have too much to be happy for to let this ruin it. I am willing to take the bad as long as I get all the good."
What an inspiration. Despite what happened - the trauma of the event that will surely change her life - she has never felt more love? What?
Maybe there is more good in the world than we think.
Maybe we deserve to give each other a little more credit than we do.
Maybe the good outweighs the bad.
To sum up my thoughts, I'll share this quote from Elder Holland. It has helped me to realize that indeed I do not need to be terrified to raise my sons in this world -
"God expects you to have enough faith and determination and enough trust in Him to keep moving, keep living, keep rejoicing. In fact, He expects you not simply to face the future (that sounds pretty grim and stoic); He expects you to embrace and shape the future—to love it and rejoice in it and delight in your opportunities.
God is anxiously waiting for the chance to answer your prayers and fulfill your dreams, just as He always has. But He can’t if you don’t pray, and He can’t if you don’t dream. In short, He can’t if you don’t believe."
Mama M and I appreciate your positive slant on your writing about a very negative event. This was such a horrific experience for so many people, yet there was so much good that was done. Thank you for sharing Elder Holland’s comments.
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