Monday, May 16, 2016

{Lake Mead Trail}

Tonight we loaded up the boys and drove out to Lake Mead to take a walk for family night.  The weather is incredible and we know we only have a few days left before the heat becomes unbearable - so we will live it up while we can! 

We were enjoying our stroll when Mike spotted a huge rattle snake on the side of the trail.  So as not to alarm me, he gently nudged me and said with quiet urgency, "Go, go, go, go, go"

His tone coupled with a terrifying rattle jolted me into the quickest sprint I have mustered in quite some time.  

That's right.

Forget the kids and husband.  I bolted.  Straight up no motherhood instincts kicked in.  

I hate hate hate hate hate snakes sooooo bad...

Like, there's a reason God uses them as a symbol of SATAN in the bible. 

Anyway, as my Dad would say, "Other than that, how was the theater Mrs. Lincoln?"  

It was a lovely night - we had a good time exploring a new little spot where we live.  It's even better to see simple things like a nature walk through Calvin's eyes.  For example, as we walked through the tunnel he was entranced by the echo it made.  He is the spice of life, that's for sure!

Forcing Calvin for some pictures, like a good parent would do. : )

A beautiful view of the lake!

It was a great family night & I am glad we survived the whole ordeal :)

1 comment:

  1. LOVED LOVED LOVED your fun FHE story. Thanks for the heads up so we could check the Blog. It is such an heirloom Marissa, and your are a MARVELOUS writer.
    Papa Jim & Mama M
