Thursday, February 18, 2016

{Some little things}

Life has been extra sweet lately with little man!  He is getting so interactive and he really seems to love learning about the world around him!  

One of his favorite activities is riding on his scooter - 

With the weather so nice we are trying to get outside every day to enjoy it!  This picture was on President's Day - the youth in our ward put the flags in the yards and Calvin thought it was pretty cool to see the colors! 

We also ventured out to Acacia Park for a ward play group where Calvin learned a rough lesson on spatial awareness courtesy of one of the big kids swinging... He ran right into the path of the swing and got took a nice tumble which knocked the wind out of him ... :S Poor little guy refused to leave my side the rest of the time, but hopefully he starts to recognize more of what's going on around him! 

We also enjoyed a singing/story time at the library and Cal was entranced.  He observed the other kids a lot and when they gave out scarves to sing a long with he got into it!  It's so fun to see these little things and watch him grow!

1 comment:

  1. Wish we could have been had him dressed soooo cute. What a terrific mommy you are Marissa.
