Wednesday, January 16, 2013

{the tide, FURT, tebowing and other bits of random}

2013 has started out well in the Reynolds household.  We are both staying busy and there is a lot going on ... Sometimes when I think about updating this blog I can't just choose one thing I want to focus on, because that's just how my brain works, so here are a few of the events going on here... 

1.  Of course the first event I talk about HAS to be the Alabama football game.  a.w.e.s.o.m.e.  For some situations, there are just no words, and this is one of them.  Loved, loved, loved every moment of that game.  I am thoroughly enjoying every moment of the Nick Saban era.  

2.  On the same note, a friendly wager may have been made on this singular national championship game with a co-worker.  This may or may not appeared on my desk on Tuesday morning, enclosed with a sizable sum because aforementioned co-worker wanted to bet $5 on the point difference.  Ouch.  

3.  We had a super fun game night with the Aubrey's and Wallaces.  I really need to work on getting my camera out sooner, but I was able to get a few fun shots.  Our favorite game just might be 'Furt'... a game which creates a bond with people that just can't be created any other way.

4. I purchased flight tickets home to Utah for a ten day trip for my best friend's wedding!!  I am so excited for her, and to get to be there and see her get sealed to Landon.  It has also been since June since I was last home (for four days) so this will be great to visit with family.  March 17 could not come quick enough.

5.  It's been pretty rainy lately.  But I love moments like this where the rain stops and the sun peeks through the clouds and this is what you catch a glimpse of.  Gorgeous.  


6.  Work is good.  Stressful but good!  A few days after my birthday the office had a meeting and everyone sang happy birthday and I got a lei, which made me feel very special and happy inside!  Even though the job is hard, I have the best co-workers a girl could dream of. 

7. I decided to do the Personal Progress program again along with the young women I am working with.  It's changed quite a bit since I have been in Young Women, so this will be a fun goal to work on.  I've got my work cut out for me if I'm going to accomplish this before I leave!   We'll see how it goes! 

8.  Speaking of the young women, we had a wonderful activity recently where we incorporated the value of 'faith' and had an obstacle course.  It was a blast, and Sarai shared with us a story about Tim Tebow standing up for his faith - which led to the obligatory tebowing moments.  I couldn't love my calling with the youth more.

Welp, I think that about covers it folks!  

Be happy! 

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