Friday, September 28, 2012

Some things.

Well it's been a little while since I blogged (other than my pay it forward challenge) and so I have lots of random things on my mind.

Married life is good.  Mike and I are thoroughly enjoying football season, and pleasantly surprised that he gets to be home for almost all of it due to some missions getting cancelled!  Yay!  Ah, football.  Bama is number one again and BYU is... well, they are figuring themselves out. haha.  We love to cheer for each others teams, and luckily, they are pretty much in different realms of existence so we can easily be fans of both!  

In case you were wondering who cheers for whom, let me clear it up with a picture that speaks 1000 words....

This is Mike's heisman move.  Love it.  Our friend Tausha does AWESOME photography and did a shoot for us, which we loved.  More pictures of that to come later! : ) 

Another thing we have been doing together is the roadshow for church!  Mike is a synchronized swimmer with a buch of the high priests... it's pretty hilarious to watch them do their dance in their awesome swimming swag! 

Oh, the roadshow... where to start... I get to sing in a little choir with 4 other ladies for my part, and we do a thirty second dance.  It's pretty great.  

So I'm actually pretty glad it will be done this Saturday because we have done about a million rehearsals.  But it has been good to get to know people in the ward that I would have never met otherwise (and get some good laughs at the same time).

Other than road show rehearsing and football watching we have been having some fun with our friends the Garretts & the Aubreys!! We have loved hanging out with these guys.  Sadly, the Garretts are getting ready to move this week ... the sad part of being in the military. :(  We will sure miss them and their sweet baby. 

School is going well... I am nearing the middle of the semester, and with that usually comes a lack of motivation.. So I am trying SUPER hard to stay focused on the end goal.  I am finding my favorite class to be Pathophysiology, or the study of disease.   Our bodies are so amazingly complex and to be healthy is such a huge blessing when there is SO MUCH that is going on all at once.  Biomedical Research is another class I enjoy - I'll have to dedicate another post to some of the things we are talking about in that class because it is so interesting.  

WORK.  Tomorrow.  I am going to be starting back at Ho'okele as a home health aid.  I am also starting another job as a skills trainer for Hawaii Behavioral Health.  I should be plenty busy here in the next little while. 

Well, that is all for now.  Looking forward to the BYU vs. HAWAII game tomorrow.  RISE AND SHOUT!

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