Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Random Ramblings...

It is late and I really should probably go to bed... but I have too much on my mind to even think about sleeping!  So, here I sit - blogging! 

I am quite excited to be in the final week of summer semester - only two tests remain until I am finished with this 15 credit hour summer!  It has been challenging but I am so excited to complete my degree.  Today I finished a ten page paper on healthcare in Japan ... the longest paper I have ever written!  We had to pick a country to evaluate their healthcare system for my International Health class, and I picked Japan since Mike and I both really want to go there together!

So...  happenings of late...

I went to my first military affair this month!  It was a change of command ceremony for JPAC, and Mike was doing Color Guard.  It was pretty cool to see how they do things - it felt so formal I was worried I would sneeze at the wrong time or something!!
Don't think he realizes how hot the uniform is... :P

My handsome man in the Color Guard

Mike and I went on an adventure to find the only Carl's Junior on the island this past Saturday... we both LOVE Carls Jr and so we were pretty exited to learn that we have one here... however, upon our arrival we were a little disappointed...

Sadly, the Carl's Junior is an appendage to a gas station in the ghetto ... it's pretty scary.  We ate there because we had been searching for it all afternoon and by the time we found it we were pretty hungry.  I'm sure you know where this story is headed... needless to say, Sunday we spent a long while snuggled on the couch in our snuggies not feelin' so great.

Another fun happening was Skitz coming to the island from Guam.  He is an augmentee for one of the JPAC missions going to Vietnam, so he was here for a few days before they took off.  We had fun showing him around the island and going to see some shows with him.  Hanging out with Skitz reminds me of when Mike and I were dating - because he and Mike were roommates at the time.  Anyway, one of our fun adventures was going on a hike up Koko Head with Skitz!

Koko Head is the mountain that I hate to love... I have a goal to continue hiking it to get a better time.  So far the best time is 44 minutes!

On the homefront we've had some pretty fun birthdays in the fam.  Grandma Avery turned 90 this summer and so the whole Perkins side had a big 90th reunion for her.  I heard it was really great.  I sure miss Grandma!

This is the ring I gave her for her present!  : ) 

Grace and Isaac both turned ONE this past week too.  I was so sad to miss their sweet little faces when they dug into their birthday cakes.  What little sweethearts these two are!

One last thing that happened this week that made me happy in my heart... I had told Mike I wanted to get a kukui nut let to hang around the rear view mirror in my car... one with little flowers painted on it.  The next day I went out to my car to find this little gem to surprise me...

Sure do love these sweet surprises from my love!!  Life is good. : ) 

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