There have been several "happy moments" this past week in the Reynolds household. I strive to focus on these happy moments... Chad Lewis - former wide receiver for BYU who also played in the NFL - gave a talk at women's conference that really helped me adjust my perspective. He said -
If you focus on the good things and blessings in your life, then they GROW.
Seems simple, but it can be really difficult at times when we just want to have a pity party and whine about things that are hard! BUT THIS IS NOT THE WAY.
President Hinckley quoted this story from Jenkins Lloyd Jones and I just love it...
"Anyone who imagines that bliss is normal is going to waste a lot of time running around shouting that he's been robbed.
"Most putts don't drop. Most beef is tough. Most children grow up to be just people. Most successful marriages require a high degree of mutual toleration. Most jobs are more often dull than otherwise.
"Life is like an old-time rail journey — delays, sidetracks, smoke, dust, cinders and jolts, interspersed only occasionally by beautiful vistas and thrilling bursts of speed. The trick is to
thank the Lord for letting you have the ride."
A few things in life that have made me laugh or generally happy lately -
1. Our primary callings. Kind of chaotic at times, but so worth it! Today in Sharing Time the teacher was explaining to the kids how they can be good examples to their siblings and give them advice to help them keep the commandments. She called on two kids to role play, one being the older brother and one the little brother. As the volunteers went to the front, one of our 10 year olds burst out laughing... when I asked him what was so funny he responded, "I'm not racist, but it's really funny that the little "brother" is black!" I LOVE kids!
2. Mike has a really awesome job and I love hearing his stories from work. Even though it is tough when he heads out on missions it feels awesome to be a small part of what he is involved with! These past weeks he has been preparing to go to India to find some plane crashes from World War II and search for remains. There is a lot of training to be done, as they will be hiking in the Himalayas to the crash sites. We have been trying to go on hikes together and he has been working EXTRA hard. I admire so much his work ethic and what he does. : )
3. Our new friends, the Aubreys and the Garretts! We have been hanging out with them lots lately- I have been going to work out classes with Tausha and Rachel. They are super sweet ladies and I am glad to know them! We have had numerous game nights, dinners, and movie nights. This past Friday we went Paddle Boarding on Hickam with them!
Parker and Mike were hard at work setting up our tent for some shade!
Tausha, Rachel & I ready to hit the waves!
Tausha & Rachel with Sweet baby Paisley! We love her!!
4. We have had super fun friends visiting this week! They have mostly been doing their own thing up around the North Shore! But they have been so fun to have stay at our house. We have found when friends come visit we remember how AWESOME it is to live on this island and realize more the things we take for granted as we see them every day! I went to the swap meet with the girls and we had a ball shopping!
5. The final happy moment has been the time I've gotten to spend with my hubby this past weekend. Cherishing every moment as he will be going out on another mission here soon... We spent some time at Bellows on Friday and then went out to celebrate his co-worker's birthday (Eddie) at Waikiki Beach!
QUICK! Take a picture of me before I fall over in this giant wave! FAIL! |
Spending some time with the handsomest man I know! |
Sometimes I go with the angry Jihad look on the beach. |
Sunset in Waikiki tonight... AMAZING. |
Peaceful. |
Our friend singing us some relaxing Hawaiian tunes! |
Sunset. Shave ice. Handprints in the sand. Diamond Head. Love. |