Sunday, July 22, 2012

Trip Part Dos! Arizona, Utah, and Vegas!

It's been awhile since I have posted... I have yet to even do part 2 of our trip!  Maybe I'll just throw it all in this one post.  I'm feeling kind of random like that right now.

For part dos of our adventurous trip we went to Prescott, Arizona - Mike's hometown.  He gave me the grand tour of the town, which was pretty much "this is the road I got pulled over for..." or "this is the road where I wrecked..."  It was fun to see everything though!  Oh and his Eagle Scout project is still standing!

His parents were house sitting in Prescott at the time so we got to spend a few days with them.  One of my favorite parts of staying with them was going golfing... Mike's Mom used to be super awesome at golfing til she hurt her back, so she showed us some tips!

As a result of the challenge it was jumping up on Mike's back...  this is what happened to my pants! HA!  So it was a little awkward until I could get home and change.  I suppose I guess that's what I deserve for golfing on Sunday! : )

We also stopped by the Grand Canyon - I have never been there and so that was fantastic to behold!  

It was a wonderful opportunity to see some of God's greatest creations.  

The other part of our trip was a blast as well!  We completely surprised my parents in Utah.

These were my parent's surprised faces... 

We went to see all my nephews that night... Sweet Carter and Isaac first, and then Quincy and Collin next. The next day we got to go to Dinosaur Park with the nieces and nephews as well!

The slide burned molly a little because it was so hot... also it was just a really fast slide!  After she got off she said, "Mommy, I think that slide is a little to scary for me."  It was SOOO CUTE! 

We had a blast seeing all my family.  We also went out with Dan and Krystal for a date night, and they joined us for my family barbecue the next day as well! 

My sweet nieces both adore Mike!! :)

We had a lot of fun in Utah even though we were only there for just a few short days!  

We ended our trip in Vegas... we were there for awhile before our flight left for Hawaii, so we went to the Stratosphere and rode all the rides up there!  SCARY!!

We also got to see the Bodies World Exhibit (which I LOVED) and the Titanic museum as well.  Such a great trip with my love!!

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