I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I am genuinely sad that I am not going to school this semester!
I woke up to several Facebook posts of friends with mixed emotions about returning to school- several were ecstatic, some were indifferent, and many were dreading the workload that a college semester brings.
For me, school is out of the picture this semester. Don't get me wrong- I wanted to go! But I have never ran into more obstacles in my entire life than when I tried to enroll.
"Oh, you just got married? Okay do fill out your FAFSA with your married name." ...three weeks later... "We just got your FAFSA and since it doesn't match the name on your social security card, just re-do the entire thing."
"We need your immunizations- sorry this paper that says you already got your MMR done isn't enough. Sorry you moved approximately 5 times and have no idea where to start looking. Guess you better schedule some bloodwork then to prove that for us.
"Oh your in the military trying to get residency exemption? Here are approximately 400 forms to fill out. Your husbands commanding officer wil need to sign them. Sorry he's deployed, guess you'll just have to wait til next semester."
I really want to get my degree finished - I'm getting close, but I guess the Lord has different plans for me this semester.
So... I'm trying to be patient. *deep breath*
Geez... this sounds intense!! Good luck... school rocks!