Tuesday, October 11, 2016

{our family 2016}

We finally got around to getting our family photos taken!  I had wanted to wait until September so Cal would be 2 and Wes would be 6 months and showing some of his sweet personality.  

We went to Calico Basin and had the most beautiful desert backdrop!  The lighting and weather were perfect.  The only thing missing was a 2 year old who would behave or hold still for one minute!  However, Linda is a super talented photographer and managed to get several shots that I absolutely love! 

I sure love these boys of mine <3

Monday, October 3, 2016

{Wesley 5 Months}

Wesley turned 5 months on September 11th!  

He has sprouted two new bottom teeth and is super slobbery so there are likely some more on the way!

He loves to roll over onto his side and curl up in the fetal position. 

His disposition is the sweetest - he is generally a happy baby.  

His favorite place is his bouncer and he has been known to bounce til he falls asleep! 

We love our little Wes man - the time is sure flying by fast! 

These pictures are special because Wes is wearing one of Daddy's outfits from when he was a baby!