The blessing of our second son was amazing! We had an incredibly spiritual weekend spent with family and friends. There was some trickiness in arrangements due to Calvin coming down with a bout of 'hand foot and mouth' disease a few days prior to the blessing... but it all worked out and aside from that the weekend was perfect.
I'll post about the fun visitors and other things that the celebration brought in another post. I'd like to focus specifically on Wes and the beautiful blessing given by Dad.
People who attended the blessing -
Grandma Marianne and Grandpa Jim (they were the speakers in Sacrament! They were asked to speak in honor of their mission they will be serving in Honolulu, Hawaii. The beauty of them speaking is that their mission is in honor of their grandkids - the setting could not have been more appropriate than at a blessing of one of the kids. I LOVED that).
Grandma Marilyn and Grandpa Mike
Aunt Jana and cousins Quincy and Collin
Aunt Krystal, Uncle Dan, and cousin Saffron (as well as baby girl cousin due in October :) )
Gibson couple (friend of Reynolds, inspiration for their desire to serve this mission)
Emily and Nate Vidrine family w/ Avery and Oliver
Uncle Grant and Aunt Marie with cousins Carter and Isaac were here in Vegas and planned to attend, but due to sick kids from both our families didn't make it - BUT they did meet Wesley the week he was blessed :) So we'll count it!
Loves from Mommy : )
Calvin and Saffron checking each other out...
The wonderful Vidrine family!
Auntie Krystal
Perkins and Christopherson clan
Auntie Jana
Best family picture we got that day! I love my boys dearly!
And more grandparents!
The whole family
Wesley was blessed with some beautiful promises by his Father. They included
- Being born into a situation where he was loved and supported - where he had a knowledge of the truth
- By following the example of his older brother he would know what was right from wrong
- Grow to be strong and an example to family surrounding him
- An ability to be an instrument and a tool in the Lord's hands to accomplish his goals here on Earth
- Strength, knowledge and wisdom
- Happiness all the days of his life <--- My favorite, because what more does a mother want for her baby?
It was so beautiful and I am astounded every day by the Spirit that I feel around this baby fresh from heaven.
We love you Wesley James!