A little late with the Memorial Day post, I know... but better late than never, right?
This year was real fun to spend Memorial Day weekend with the family. We went to visit Grandma Avery & Grandpa Arthur's graves and reminisced about them. I am so happy to know the family unit is eternal - visiting the graves of loved ones becomes something special instead of a sorrowful thing when you realize that 'death is just a gateway to eternity' (William Penn).
We also had the family over to BBQ and spend time together. Uncle Bob brought some delicious fish he had caught earlier this year to share. There was quite a ping pong tournament as well - it was a pretty serious event.
Here are the chefs who were responsible for the delicious meal
The table tennis starts...
Grace making it clear she was sick of me taking picture of her by trying to block me with her foot... Still didn't work, even with half her face covered you can tell she is just about the cutest thing on earth!
Quincy also getting into the ping-pong games
Molly looks all grown up here
Don't let the smile deceive you - Jana was also vying for table tennis champ
Thy dynamic duo, Erik & Collin (I am pretty sure they won the doubles game, but nobody beats me at singles... Riverdale City Youth Champ two years running) :P
Bob and Leota enjoying the party & each other!
Happy Memorial Day!