Saturday, March 16, 2013


I just finished my last day at Ho'okele!  It was actually rather nice, contrary to what my expectations were.  

There was a floral arrangement from my boss, pizza from the techs.  Oh and lest I forget at 4:40 three clients went 24/7 so I had to stay until 7:30 to schedule... just another typical day!

Such is life, and now that chapter of my life is closed!  I learned some things about myself from my job at Ho'okele... 

1.  I need to be a little better about setting boundaries... if there is too much, I need to raise the flag and ask for help before I become too overwhelmed.  Then things just get... well, messy.  

2. I feel like I am much better at prioritizing now.  For instance, when there are five emergencies going on at one time, which one should take priority?  Being in scheduling honed my ability to focus on the most important crisis, tackle it, and move on to the next.  And I feel like that will be an important skill in my life. 

3.  My internal dilemma remains.  I don't know what I want to do with my life.  I am currently pursuing a degree in health care administration, and I am going to complete it soon.  But in my heart of hearts, I feel like I want to do nursing.  I would have pursued that here, but we were only stationed in Hawaii for 3 short years, so that option was off the table...  Now as I look toward the future I think nursing might be in the cards for me when we relocate.  We shall see.

Every experience in life teaches us something.  I feel like I gained a life long friend in my co-scheduler, Kendra.  Pretty much opposite in almost every core belief, yet I've never had so much in common with someone.  

Life is great, I am excited for what the next adventure will be!

Now, for a little trip to Utah!!! Let the fun begin. : )

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

just a blog post

Sometimes, when I don't update my blog over a period of time, I feel pressure... like "Oh, I haven't updated in awhile, so I should probably write an overly profound post."  


If there was anything profound happening in my life, I would blog about that. 

But there is not.

I guess I am quitting my job at Ho'okele, that is something sort of profound I suppose.  I am in the awkward phase where everyone knows I am leaving, but I still have two weeks left.

I am getting B's in my classes right now. 

Everything in our apartment is breaking down at once... the dryer sounds like a rocket is taking off every time I push a load through.  Our stove is haunted by a poltergeist who makes the timer go off all the time.  Drains keep getting clogged.. Need I go on?  

Life is getting rather lifey lately.  I am ready for some excitement! Countdown to my Utah trip is on!