The seasons are finally changing. I love the crisp air that hits my face when I walk out the door in the morning. The leaves are turning colors. People are starting to wear scarves. It's that awkward time where I need the heater in the morning and the air conditioner during the day. Hot chocolate is now apropos. And Saturdays are FULL of college ball. It's been a few years since I have been able to experience a Utah fall and I am absolutely LOVING it.
But before I get too excited, let me give a brief recap of the end of summer!
Lisa came down from Seattle for a week visit the second week in August. This meant that most of the family was here (besides Mike) and we had SO much fun together. One of the highlights of her trip was taking all the nieces and nephews to Lagoon together...
Lisa and Carter loved "The Bat"
This was Molly's face the entire time, but as soon as we got off she immediately asked to go again!
Quincy and I riding the Rock-O-Planes
Getting wet on the Rapids!
Tidal Wave!
Molly also loved this ride as well! I have to say she was the most expressive on all the rides!
It has been at least 5 years or so since I went to Lagoon, so it was SO fun to go with all the family, especially the kids!
Another beautiful part of the summer time in Utah is the camping. This made me particularly miss Mike, as some of our finest evenings were spent in Farmington Canyon watching the sunset. But, as always, I am SO grateful for good friends in my life!
Sims and his sweet boy Pax.
Emilie and Landon
Shooting guns in the foothills of Bountiful... Landon had an idea to use shells for ear protection since I didn't have any. Redneck ingenuity at it's finest.
Best friends!
The next weekend was a family camping trip up at Mirror Lake in the Uintas. I had never been to this area before, and it was absolutely amazing! We enjoyed some delicious camping cuisine and scared the kids with bear stories.
Poor little Isaac did not like his bath...
But Marie made him feel better all snuggled in his little towel!
Cute brothers
The whole camping crew
Our campsite was right on this lake - Amazing!
More cute brothers
All the cousins
This was the view from the back of the car when I woke up. I just loved it and felt so peaceful.
Because my nephews have football practice in the evenings and I work during the day, I don't get to see them enough! So one Saturday we decided to go to Boondocks as a farewell to the summer.
Quincy was really mad during this game because his car was not working..
In typical fashion, I hit the jackpot. What can I say, I'm a lucky gal!
Prepared to dominate in some laser tag!
Riding the go cart while my nephew drove.. scariest thing of my life.
Emilie and I decided to hit up Waterfall Canyon one evening. It was gorgeous and we pushed through the difficult hike, proving to ourselves that we can do hard things!
Taking a picture break!
Yeah.. This was the waterfall this year... can you see it?? Me either.
This is one of my favorite places on earth. It has been the hike of my childhood and I absolutely love it.
Okay guys. I don't know if I can find words to adequately describe how much I love college ball. And my favorite team is the BYU Cougars... forever ever!
So a while ago I was randomly chatting with my hubby about the fact that I would be in Utah for football season, and I pulled up the schedule and we chatted about what game it would be the funnest to go to... I decided Texas would be the best home game to see, and let me tell you what... I was right.
Most amazing game of my life. I got tickets for my Dad and I and neither of us could talk the next day we were so hoarse from screaming. Despite weather delays, it turned out to be the game of a lifetime.
Lavell Edwards Stadium... Another of my favorite places on earth.
At halftime they brought this out.. it says "We are BYU and this is OUR HOUSE!" PUMPED!!
Leaving the stadium feeling the adrenaline rush of a lifetime.
My pops and I prior to the game starting in our sweet Y ponchos.
So the only game I want to talk about is that Texas game, in case you were wondering. Please don't bring up Utah or Virginia. Thank you in advance.
Well, that about brings this blog up to speed on my wonderfully boring life! I am spending my days working now for a company that enrolls people in Medicare. I got my health insurance license last week, that was a challenge but I am grateful I did it! I am also working on completing this semester of school so ... drumroll please... I can GRADUATE THIS DECEMBER! Cue the hallelujah chorus!!
My handsome man manages to keep himself busy bringing home the bacon. He is on the isles of Papua New Guinea having some neat experiences and working hard! I love him so much and I am grateful for work ethic he has. Yep, I married a pretty amazing (not to mention good looking) man!
I will try to post a little more regularly the updates on what is happening. Life is good!