I have officially decided that I love Arizona. Shhh... don't tell Mike. The Arizona/Utah debate is one that is definitely still very much alive in our house and a part of our day to day lives. My official decision that I love Arizona is by no means a concession in the debate, just a realization that he has some valid points. I don't know if it's because I have been living on a teeny island for the past year, but I just love the wide open spaces. Oh, and the cacti! I love the big old cacti with lots of branches (is that what it's called?) Something about the desert landscape is just beautiful to me!
The past few days I have been staying with Mario, Holly & baby Maxwell. We have had such a good time just visiting and relaxing. Holly is the young women pres. in her ward so I got to go to a mutual activity with her and see her cute ward. Tonight Mario got off of work and we went to Texas Roadhouse... it was delish! We have also had a great time making some Dr. Pepper cupcakes. Yeah. You heard. They were A - MAZING.
And baby Max. Oh where to start with that boy. He is such a ham... he knows how to put on a show and just loves being the center of attention. He has the sweetest temperament and pretty much has anyone that knows him at all wrapped around his little finger...
While I have been here poor Mike has been at home taking care of the finer details of life. You know, like moving. HA! I kind of laugh but I genuinely feel bad that I left him behind with all that work. He is pretty amazing to handle all that without complaining!
Our new apartment is WONDERFUL! I will post some pictures of our new home when I get back to the island. SPOILER ALERT... we have a sweet pool/hot tub/sauna! :D We will be in the Moanalua 1st ward, which allegedly has many military people since we are right next to base so that will be interesting. I will miss the Makiki Ward though, especially being in nursery there, I loved that calling.
Other items of late... General Conference was wonderful! I absolutely loved Elder Holland's talk... He is so amazing. One thing he said just really stuck out to me - "Tearing people down doesn't elevate your standing. BE KIND." It is so true, one of the most basic truths of life and yet SO SO SO hard for us to understand!
I love Elder Holland. The bulldog of the Lord.
I also especially enjoyed President Uchtdorf's talk about loving others and not being judgmental. It is certainly something that I am going to work harder on in my life.
Conference was great!!
The semester is finally winding down! I have loved my classes this semester. I aced my Health Care Administration test right before I came on my trip, and got a 90% on my Bio Med Core test. I only have one more chapter test and then the final! I have already registered for summer semester. School is fantastic.
Last, but certainly not least, I have been busy with all the preparations for our sealing and reception. It is finally happening and I am SO EXCITED! I have been surrounded by such supportive friends and family who have been bending over backwards to help me plan things while I have been out of state. It's been a little tricky, but I have a good feeling. I am mostly just excited to be sealed to Mike FOREVER.
Oh, here is what our invite looks like
"I know your lives are busy. I know that you have much to do. But I make you a promise that if you will go to the house of the Lord, you will be blessed; life will be better for you."
—Gordon B. Hinckley