Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tagged - I'm it!

One of my best friends just tagged me in this cute little survey.  I thought it was fun.. and just when I thought I knew everything about her.. turns out I don't! 


Three joys:
1. My hubby - who can make me laugh every day!
2. Hard work - because when I don't have it, I'm definitely not joyful!
3. Dr. Pepper -- as seen being enjoyed below by an anorexic Dr. Pepper model

Three fears:
1. Being by myself at night!
2. Seeing people eat yogurt with a fork... I seriously HATE it.  Maybe fear isn't the right word. whatever, it's going on this survey.
3. Me or someone that I love getting cancer or something... That's always been a huge fear of mine.

Three goals
1. Get sealed in the temple
2. Finish my bachelors and eventually get an RN!
3. Run in a half marathon

Three current collections/obsessions
2.Hunger Games -
3.BYU Football.  Rise and Shout!

Three random surprising facts about myself
1. I have a weird obsession with popping zits.
2. I love to cook.
3. When I eat bread I get the hiccups.  Every time.

I am supposed to tag 5 more people. So I choose
1. Emilie Vidrine
2. Elissa Mulder
3. Katie Bastian
4. Morgan Poll
5.Lindsea Garside

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Our First Visitors!

This past week we were so lucky to have my cousins, Nate and Marilinda Hales, come out and visit us!!
Marilinda took our pictures for our "sealing announcements."  It would be the equivalent of getting our engagement pictures done.. if we weren't already married.. Yeah, that was confusing.  Also, we took some sweet shots of me in my wedding dress at the Laie Temple and the BEACH!

Anyway, besides taking some awesome pictures, we had a total blast with them.

Nate's 'Trip Advisor' app was pretty much the coolest thing ever.  It definitely knew a lot more about Hawaii than we did!  Which is kind of sad, since we live here. 

We did all sorts of fun things, including a trip to the Polynesian Cultural Center, hikes to Diamond Head and Manoa Falls, discovering Malsadas at Leonard's Bakery, eating in Waikiki, and renting a cabin on Bellows Beach. 

Not to mention just good company and fun memories!

Hiking Diamond Head

The staircase that NEVER ends... 

On our way to the beautiful Manoa Falls

Okay, it's kind of more of a trickle right now.. But still, pretty breathtaking!

Nate and Mar reminded me ... one of the best parts of living in Hawaii is sitting on our balcony and enjoying this every night. Just enjoying the simple pleasures of everyday!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

...Memory Lane...

Yo Em-dawg!

You are my best friend!  And when I was organizing photos tonight I came across some GEMS (to be said like Dave Hunsaker).  I thought you might enjoy them. :)  MISS YOU.

 I just love the expression you went with in this photo.  Remember this is at that party at Chelsea Bingham's where we became "domesticated" because we made those pizzas? 

 This is dedicated to all the jeeping times.  aka, the times that I almost peed because you are to crazy and I was too scared. I need to go to CHURCH! :P

The 25th Street Bathtub
 This is cuz we're hot, this is cuz we're hot... We hot cuz we fly, you ain't cuz you not... This is why this is why...

I don't remember even taking this.. But I dedicate it to all the Honda Days we had. Enough said.

This is dedicated to all the skipped Sunday School lessons with Del Taco Churros... Sinner!
Look how organized this parking is!  THE CHURCH IS TRUE!
I posted this only because your licking a penis shaped cookie.  And that makes me laugh.
The BEST fortune cookies ever.  I love love love these!
What happens on Muscle Beach... gets posted in this memory blog.  LOL "WHY AM I SMILING?"
I <3 YOU!!